Budget Commission
Budget Commission

Gallia County Budget Commission
Robert J. Jacks, Auditor | Steve McGhee, Treasurer | Jason Holdren, Prosecutor

 The Auditor is the permanent Secretary of the Budget Commission, which also includes the County Treasurer and the Prosecuting Attorney. The County Auditor prepares estimates of all levies and presents these estimates to the Budget Commission. It is the responsibility of the Commission to annually review the tax budgets of all taxing districts within the county and to determine that all tax levies are properly authorized and allocated to local governments and libraries. The Budget Commission approves the distribution of the Local Government Fund and ensures that levy monies are collected and properly spent, and carry-over balances are monitored. 

                                                     *All meetings are held at 10:00 AM in at the Gallia County Court House (18 Loust St. Gallipolis, Ohio 45631). Dates and times subject to change with proper public notice. *
Dog and Kennel Licenses
Dog and Kennel Licenses

Dog Licenses are required for all dogs living in Gallia County. Licenses are available for 1 year, 3 years, and permanent terms and must be renewed prior to January 31st, 2025. 

Dog and Kennel License pricing

1-Year License

  • Before January 31st, 2025- $12.00
  • After January 31st, 2025- $24.00 

3-Year License

  • Before January 31st, 2025- $36.00
  • After January 31st, 2025- $48.00

Permanent License

  • Before January 31st, 2025- $120.00
  • After January 31st, 2025- $132.00

Kennel License

  • Before January 31st, 2025- $100.00 
  • After January 31st, 2025- $200.00

*Each initial application will come with 5 tags, any additional tags are $1.00 

 Dog Licensing Requirements

  • All dogs more than three months of age must be licensed (ORC 955.01)
  • The standard licensing period runs December 1 to January 31
  • Licenses purchased after January 31 are subject to a late penalty equal to the amount of the license.
  • Kennel Licenses must be purchased in the Gallia County Auditor's Office

**Licenses are available to purchase online

For more questions, please contact the Gallia County Auditor's Office at 740-446-4612 ext. 1201 or email [email protected] 

Board of Revision (BOR)
Filing a BOR

The Gallia County Board of Revision (BOR) hears complaints on the market value of your property and can adjust the value based on presented evidence.

Click here to file a BOR for Real Estate.

Click here to file a BOR for CAUV

Financial Reports
Community Reinvestment Area (CRA)
Commercial/Industrial CRA

The Gallia County Commercial CRA projects may include but are not limited to grocery, retail, entertainment and office space. Industrial projects may include but are not limited to facilities for production, manufacturing, warehousing, and speculative industrial building development for these uses. Commercial for-rent housing developments exceeding four units are directed to follow the Commercial-Residential Application Process. 

To see if you qualify for a Commercial/Industrial Abatement, click HERE. 

To see if you qualify for a Commercial-Residential Abatement, click HERE. 

To fill out the Commercial/Industrial Abatement Application, click HERE.  

To fill out the Commercial-Residential Abatement Application, click HERE.


If you have any questions, please contact the Gallia County Auditor's Office At 740-446-4612 ext. 1218 or Cole Massie at 740-418-9566

Residential CRA

The Gallia County Residential Community Reinvestment Area (CRA) is program that offers a 75% exemption for 10 years on the first $265,000 of the increased property value resulting from new home construction or significant renovations.

To see if you qualify, click HERE

To fill out the Pre-Application, click HERE.

To fill out the Final Application, Click HERE.

If you have any questions, please contact the Gallia County Auditor's Office At 740-446-4612 ext. 1218.

Vendor's Licenses
Vendor's Licenses

Helpful Information

    Every Ohio retailer (vendor) making taxable retail sales must obtain a vendor’s license, collect sales tax, file tax returns with payment of tax collected and maintain complete records of transactions.

    Effective September 6, 2012, H.B. 508 amended Ohio Revised Code 5739.17 to reduce the types of vendor’s licenses to regular county and transient.

    Regular Vendor’s License

    Issued by the County Auditor to vendors with a fixed place of business in Ohio. Vendors must have one regular vendor license for each sales location. Application fee of $25.00 – No Annual Renewal

    Transient Vendor’s License

    Issued by the Ohio Department of Taxation to vendors who transport stock of goods to temporary places of business or exhibits in a county where they have no fixed place of business in order to make sales. Application fee of $25.00 – No Annual Renewal

    Dept. of Taxation Vendor Licenses

    Is A Vendor's License Transferable?

    You must have an active regular vendor’s license for each fixed place of business from which taxable retail sales are made. A regular vendor's license, which is issued by the County Auditor to cover a fixed place of business, may be transferred from one existing business location to another when you move an existing business to a new location within the same county. If the business location is being moved to a different county, a new regular vendor’s license must be obtained from the County Auditor of the different county. A vendor who is moving an existing business to a new location within the same county and wishes to transfer the existing regular vendor’s license must submit a transfer application. These applications can be obtained at the County Auditor’s Office, 740.446.4612 ext. 1201, or at the Ohio Department of Taxation, 1-800-282-1782. If approved, the Department of Taxation will update its file, issue a transfer license, and advise the County Auditor. There is no fee for transferring a regular vendor’s license from one location to another within the same county.

    • Any change in ownership (sole proprietor to partnership, partnership to corporation, corporation to sole proprietor, partnership to sole proprietor, etc) requires a new license.
    • A change in mailing address does not require a new license.
    • If you are required to obtain a new vendor’s license due to a change in ownership or location, a final return must be filed within fifteen days of the last day of business under the original vendor's license.

    How Do I Cancel A Vendor's License?

    If a vendor stops making taxable retail sales, a final return must be filed, and all taxes must be paid within 15 days of the final sale. Vendors must complete the space provided on the final return, indicating the last day of business.

    Weights and Measures
    Weights and Measures

    How are the Weights and Measures controlled?

    • It is the National Conference on Weights and Measures, Inc. (NCWM) that creates the standards and processes to fairly meet the needs of consumers, businesses, regulators and manufacturers.
    • The (NCWM) is a professional organization of state and local weights and measures officials. Its members include representatives of industry, government, and consumers. The Conference's mission is to promote the development of uniform, effective state and local weights and measures laws that help maintain a fair marketplace and protect both consumers and businesses. Your state and local officials are responsible for enforcing the weights and measures laws. They use highly accurate equipment to make sure that weighing and measuring devices, such as gasoline pumps and scales, are in fact giving proper measurement. They work to ensure that every commercial transaction involving weight or measure is fair and accurate. Throughout the millions of transactions that take place every day, your weights and measures officials help guarantee that you get what you pay for.

    Common Questions

    How often do inspectors check scanners, test scales, and check gas pumps? 

    Every measuring device is checked, tested, and sealed for accuracy once a year.  These devices are also spot checked throughout the year.

    How is a consumer complaint handled?

    A state certified inspector is dispatched within 24 hours to start the investigation process.

    If you have questions regarding the information on this page, please call the Auditor's Office at: 740.446.4612